Blog tagged as content marketing

4 Factors to Take Into Account When Running an Earned Media Campaign

16.09.21 01:06 PM By Aleksandra Dj - Comment(s)
4 Factors to Take Into Account When Running an Earned Media Campaign
Attracting customers is dependent on a holistic digital marketing strategy - one that incorporates earned media as well. Here are the factors that influence its success.

Tips and Tricks of the Trade - Content Marketing 101 With AmaZix

26.08.21 03:59 PM By Aleksandra Dj - Comment(s)
Tips and Tricks of the Trade - Content Marketing 101 With AmaZix
Content marketing has to have predetermined objectives, a clear message to convey and the how-to to get it done properly. Here are some tips and tricks of the trade - brought to you by AmaZix!

PR 101: The 7 top PR practices

05.03.21 10:14 AM By Dale - Comment(s)
PR 101: The 7 top PR practices
The power of PR is totally underestimated with much of the focus on paid-for digital marketing. PR is essential for reputation management.

Effective content creation is the key to running a successful crypto influencer marketing campaign

02.03.21 09:06 AM By Dale - Comment(s)
Effective content creation is the key to running a successful crypto influencer marketing campaign
Influencer marketing can fall flat without a tactical and strategic content strategy that is aligned to the audiences you want to reach
