This post, we catch up with our partner Sharpe Capital, who’s just two days ago concluded their SHP token sale, achieving a hard cap limit of 6,061 ETH — just over $5.6 million in value at time of contribution. In all, 1200 unique contributors participated, ensuring that the all tokens put up for sale were snapped up a week before the token sale was scheduled to end.
It’s capped off an already incredible start to their year, which saw several key milestones reached:
- 356 active users submitting over 100,000 predictions on 500 global equities and blockchain assets on their Sharpe Alpha platform (live since December)
- a $100,000 SHP airdrop was concluded, with 5 lucky winners taking 5,000 SHP each
- its first month saw an 85% ROI from the Sharpe Fund, distributing $105,000 to over 100 registered users on January 13th, averaging $972 per user.
Its success so early on has led Sharpe Capital to be one of the most talked about projects in the cryptosphere and we’re proud to be part of it.
The brief on Sharpe Capital
Sharpe Capital can be summarized as a blockchain-based platform that enables users to enter their predictions on financial markets (called sentiments), feeding the data to proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to be analyzed together with leading partners in academia. This analysis represents a distillation of crowd wisdom, helping shape an investment fund, the Sharpe Fund.
To access the sentiment platform and enter predictions, users need to own SHP tokens. Sharpe pays a service fee to participants every month, with the payout to users based on a unique concept involving several factors:
- the amount of SHP held (Proof of Stake)
- predictions entered (Proof of Work)
- reputation based on accuracy of predictions (Proof of Reputation)
There’s a video walkthrough to make things easy available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o0bFhiIzsA&t=1s
While there are other projects appearing to be involved in the same niche of AI and Machine Learning driven markets, Sharpe Capital distinguishes itself on a number of fronts, including the only one offering direct sentiment crowdsourcing, democratic community governance, trustless trading ledger tech and international token offering. This helpful post on their blog details these unique features and other comparisons, telling you why it will fill and retain an important spot in fintech.
It’s not too late to own SHP
Want to have a token you can actually use rightaway? SHP is one of the very few with actual utility (and already has a great record for successful use case in crowd insight based investment). They also give you a say in this community-governed project, allowing you to propose ideas that the community votes on transparently via smart contracts.
You might have just missed the token sale, but you can still own SHP tokens by trading or exchanging for them on the open market. Currently, SHP is actively trading on the following exchanges, with more on the way:
At EtherDelta: https://etherdelta.com/#0xef2463099360a085f1f10b076ed72ef625497a06-ETH
At IDEX: https://idex.market/eth/shp
At Radar Relay: https://app.radarrelay.com/SHP/WETH
Beyond financial and commercial success, Sharpe Capital and AmaZix share the same desire to be an active and engaged part of the future business and technology sectors, driven by the new blockchain economy.
Just as Sharpe Capital is working on a decentralized ecosystem to provide financial markets education to mainstream and institutional traders and investors, it is our hope to continue working diligently to further mainstream adoption, realized when communities grow organically and utilize the innovations of all our partners.
Keen to learn more? Get in touch with the team on Telegram or email them at hello@sharpe.capital. Fancy the deep end? Dig into the technical details on their white paper.
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We’re always on the lookout for another exciting project to work on. If you’re working in the crypto space and planning an ICO, or just want help managing your communities, we’d love to hear from you.
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By AmaZix Editorial on February 7, 2018.
Exported from Medium on January 30, 2020.