Never before have companies been more exposed to their public image.
And with so much information circulating on the internet, contact with users, customers and detractors has become increasingly important to maintain a good online reputation. To this end, press releases are one of the most effective media tools.
Despite the popularization of producing one’s own content that in hand with other tools aimed at bolstering the traffic via content management can bind, the importance of press releases cannot be ignored. The placement of your content in different media outlets enhances its relevance in search engines and can help in improving the ranking of your website organically.
The importance of press releases, as it has been proven, also lies in the fact that it improves the position of the offerings and strengthens the image of your company in your industry and beyond. Dismissing their potential is basically giving up on having your own voice and sharing and presenting your accomplishments, plans, and vision at the right time and at your pace.
The Right Balance in Press Releases
Press releases are primarily intended to provide journalists with press coverage material, so the easier the information is to digest, the better results. If you aim to get external linking for SEO, the content needs to be convenient and compliant with the media’s profile and publishing standards.
Hence, this series of steps will help you to get your press release out there.
The first thing to do is clearly state the main purpose of a press release. The piece must communicate corporate news that is relevant and presented in a way that can be easily processed by the receiver. The topic can be about a product, service, or even an event and provide all the data that complements the announcement and supports your online reputation.
A press release is not an article. It is a short and succinct overview of the news piece with the sole purpose to inform interested parties of the who, what, why, when, where. It does not suffer linguistic embellishments and humor, nor does it need to link back to your other pieces of content.
To be successful with a press release, we must find the balance to interest the journalist, fit the targeted publications and present attractive content for the potential audience.
Moreover, distribution adds to the importance of a press release. There are two variables to look at here. Distribution to as many outlets as possible (with a special focus on covering the outlets of choice) and choosing the right timing thus avoiding releasing information before it’s ready for public eyes or when it’s already outdated. AmaZix, with a database of over 8000 media outlets, represents the perfect partner to get your message across.
Press releases are particularly useful tools in online reputation building for companies with new products that attract attention and investment. That is why crypto startups should not ignore this type of resource in their communications.
Given the volatile nature of the blockchain industry, well-written and timely publicized press releases can help you immensely to create and maintain the appropriate brand image and fight the FUD.
You don’t want your stories to be told by someone else — you need to make your stance and command your presence in the crypto space.
Our PR specialists at AmaZix will elevate your online reputation with press releases tailored to the standards of every media partner.