Community management and engagement is one of just many services that AmaZix provides to the crypto community. It’s fair to say, this is also what AmaZix is best known for today.
It has always been our aim to create and nurture healthy, vibrant, constructive communities — they are the heart of our projects and the foundation of success.
This is why our communities are so important to us, and why their interests are our priority. From our principles in community management, to the interactions of every one of our scores of global moderators, AmaZix strives to listen to what our communities say.
Improved banning policy
One of the most-discussed aspects of community management of late is the banning of members from AmaZix-moderated Telegram channels, including those of our partners.
The AmaZix community guidelines establishes a set of simple rules that all members must follow. These reflect the basic etiquette for how people should conduct themselves online, emphasizing decency, courtesy and safety for all.
Moderators have had the unenviable task of banning members who repeatedly break these guidelines after being advised not to, after taking every reasonable measure to prevent that. Banning has been a last resort measure and will no longer be the case.
AmaZix would like to inform that from now on, only confirmed scammers and spammers will be banned permanently. This global ban is implemented via our bot that detects and confirms scammers and spammers, always working behind the scenes to ensure our communities are protected from scams and malicious attacks.
Improved moderation and feedback process
We have been taking in feedback from the community and realize that some feel our rules to be too strict in attempting to maintain a high quality of moderation. We have considered these points and have now adapted in an effort to be more open with our community.
From now on, all other infringements of community guidelines will now only mean that related users are muted but allowed to remain in groups with “read-only” rights. Once these users feel they are able to calmly communicate, they can reach any moderator from the group to request for unmuting. After mute options are removed, they are free to participate once more as community members.
Additionally, we are updating our rule on “focus on relevant projects” to not allow promotion of other projects, including via their Telegram names. Users with names of other projects in their names will be asked to remove the references. If they refuse to do so, they will be put on read-only mode.
Our moderation process is extensively reviewed internally to ensure proper procedures are in place for every muting, and to continuously adapt and refine them. This is also a critical part of our internal review process to ensure that we keep to the high standards we impose and to prevent abuse.
Moderators are required to document each mute case with screenshots, without hiding any information culminating to the muting, essentially keeping every action transparent for internal review.
We never stop listening
Post-event feedback is a critical part of the moderation process. All muted or banned members will always be free to reach out to us at any point for more information on why they were muted. In many instances, individual cases have been escalated to our Chief Communications Officer, who personally investigates all cases where users feel they were unfairly muted.
We have never turned anyone away and we don’t intend to start. Our moderators are every bit as human as our communities are and, as such, have as much to learn as everyone else. We are eager to improve, and appreciate any opportunity to do so.
Any complaints and feedback should be directed to our Chief Communications Officer, Dejan Horvat via Telegram @dex27 or via email at dejan.horvat@amazix.com. We can also be reached at any time in the AmaZix Community group on Telegram. As we have explained, every moderation action is documented with screenshots, so case reviews will use these as supporting documentation.
Our communities know best what matters to them and, fortunately for us, they are often vocal about their opinions. Know that we will never turn a deaf ear to your voice. Thank you.
By AmaZix Editorial on July 16, 2018.
Exported from Medium on January 30, 2020.