The second annual Computational Law & Blockchain Festival (#clbfest2019) is a month-long global event organized by Legal Hackers bringing together coders, designers, lawyers, policymakers, researchers, and students to co-create the future of law, legal practice, and policy.
In the spirit of decentralization, the Festival will be hosted at independent, self-organized nodes in cities around the world during the month of March.
Legal Hackers Torino is hosting the CL+B Fest 2019 Torino Node on 30th and 31st March 2019 discussing topics such as:
- blockchain and smart contracts for business;
- 2019 ICOs and STOs trends; and
- artificial intelligence, law and ethics.
AmaZix is one of the partners of the event and Josè Macedo, Head of Advisory, will be joining the CL+B Fest 2019 Torino Node as a speaker.
For more details and to register your participation for this free event, visit: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-computational-law-blockchain-festival-2019-torino-node-57728613838
About Legal Hackers
Legal Hackers is a global movement made up of lawyers, policymakers, technologists and academics coming together to discuss and come up with creative solutions to some of the most pressing issues in the crossover between law and technology.
Organizing frequent meetups, hackathons and workshops, Legal Hackers hope to improve and inform legal practice and policy through rapid adaptation to and the use of technology.
Legal Hackers Torino boasts over 650 members and have been active in over 10 events since 2016.
Curious about what AmaZix can do for you?
AmaZix seeks to become the leading provider of blockchain-related advisory and consulting across the globe, driving transformative change to the business paradigm through tokenization, blockchain technology and crowdfunding. We deliver a comprehensive suite of high-value professional services, focusing on innovative services, while continuing to build a team of top-tier talent.
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By AmaZix Editorial on March 19, 2019.
Exported from Medium on January 30, 2020.